


A catalog of my experience in the world of endurance sports as athlete and engineer.

“The only thing keeping you from getting what you want, is the story you keep telling yourself.” - Tony Robbins

I’ve always enjoyed competing, yet throughout my life I’ve learned that I enjoy the process of training more than competition. Competition has become the cherry on top of the ultimate ice cream sundae (Life). Training for endurance sports has shifted my focus, time, and priorities towards activities that fuel my soul, health, and happiness.

My passion for training and the lifestyle it permits has brought me into the world of triathlon, where I began training in late 2019. My introduction to competition in the sport of triathlon was at Ironman 70.3 Eagleman in 2021.

This site serves as a platform and repository of my experiences as an amateur athlete and full time engineer, working to balance life as a corporate professional with a full time training schedule.

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2024 Athletic Goals and Aspirations

  • Stay Injury Free

  • Be an ambassador for the sport of triathlon and expand the community of endurance sports.

  • Race in top form in Early June, and transition towards an AG Nationals Performance in September.

  • Complete an Ultra Marathon.

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