The Story so Far…

Hello There!

My name is Reed, and I am an Athlete and Engineer.  I work full time as a Test Engineer, and spend a majority of my free time training for triathlons.  I’ve spent the last 3 years increasing my weekly training volume to the point where I’ve just about run out of hours in the day!  Making training a priority in my life has come with sacrifices, but the physical and mental benefits are worth it.  All this activity allows me to feel better, think better, and generally be a better version of myself.

I created this site so that I could share my journey as I attempt to work full time, balance a social life, and push the limits of my body physically and mentally.  I’ve learned so much about myself and training, and there is so much more to learn. This site will be a collection of my experiences.  I plan to provide an open, honest, and comedic collection of thoughts and reflection throughout my journey.  I hope that you’re able to learn something, laugh a little, and maybe feel inspired to pick up a new sport (or three).

If you’re interested, here’s a bit more about me:

I’ve grown up in New Hampshire; born and raised. A New Hampster?  I’ve spent a lot of my life outside.  Whether it was fun in the sun, or building snow forts, I’m outside as much as I can be.  Throughout my life I have always been active. I gravitated towards Soccer and Track and Field in my youth.  As I grew up I learned to love soccer, but I was also falling deeply in love my another… Running.  In around my sophomore year of high school, it was clear to me that I was using soccer as an entertaining means of staying in shape for track and field season (which I was far better at compared to soccer).  Graduating high school and heading off to college I thought that I should give myself a break from the running in ovals, and decided to pursue other sports (fencing, and then rowing).  Fencing was not quite the Jedi Martial Arts that I was anticipating, but it was fun for year.  Oh well!  So I decided to ask the track coach if I could walk on the following year.  He said no…  Brutal. This set me back quite a bit, but I moved past it, and used my emotions to fuel my revenge.  I’d prove ‘em wrong. 

So I joined the next closest club sport that trained the roof down… Rowing. Rowing hands down, made me the athlete I am today.  The countless mornings, 5AM at the boathouse, rain or shine, freezing or sunny, we got after it.  This is where I ultimately believe I fell in love with training.

Upon graduating college and joining the workforce, I dabbled here and there with some running; a 5K here, a half marathon there...  I even searched for a boat house… No dice.  I was desperate for that training schedule that I was so used to from the past few years of rowing.  And then a friend asked me to do an Ironman.

And lets just say, the rest is history ;-)

Since 2019 I’ve gradually (and sometimes quite dramatically) increased my training, such that I’m usually doing 2 sessions a day, 7 days a week.  Because who needs an off day when you can go swimming?